Indigenous species under management 2018

Number of managed indigenous species by taxa group and threat classification


The New Zealand government recently re-affirmed its commitment to halting the decline in biodiversity by increasing the funding available to the Department of Conservation (DOC) in the 2018 budget for conserving native biodiversity. Native species and the ecosystems they inhabit are vulnerable to a variety of threats that must be managed to ensure we maintain our natural heritage. Integrating management of threatened species with ecosystem management plans is an efficient and effective way of ensuring the protection of both the species and ecosystem components of our biodiversity.

The conservation status of New Zealand species is assessed on a five-yearly basis using the New Zealand Threat Classification System (NZTCS). DOC determines which species require management based on this assessment. Many species requiring management occur in places designated Ecosystem Management Units (EMUs) and are likely to benefit from work currently undertaken by DOC and our partners to improve the ecological health of those sites. In some cases, species require specific management within EMUs and/or at places outside of EMUs known as Species Management Units (SMUs).

DOC is collecting advice from species experts about the management standards and distribution of sites required to ensure the long-term persistence of approximately 700 taxa identified as requiring conservation management. This factsheet uses that advice to evaluate which taxa are likely to persist given the management planned in 2017-2018. It includes information about management at sites that meets the minimum management standards prescribed by species experts. Because there is uncertainty about management standards for some species, information is also included about management at sites that meets the approximate standards (within 10% of the specified standard) identified by species experts.

Key findings

Table 1: Number of Threatened, At Risk or Conservation Dependent (CD) taxa managed in EMUs or SMUs
Threat status Any management at any site Management to standard at any site Management to approximate standard at any site Management to standard at all required sites Management to approximate standard at all required sites
Threatened 352 148 178 45 55
At Risk/CD 173 100 112 38 44
Total 525 248 290 83 99
Table 2: Number of Threatened, At Risk or Conservation Dependent (CD) taxa managed in EMUs or SMUs by taxonomic group.
Group Any management at any site Management to standard at any site Management to approximate standard at any site Management to standard at all required sites Management to approximate standard at all required sites
Bats 4 3 4 0 0
Birds 59 40 45 8 9
Coleoptera 17 3 3 0 1
Freshwater fish 32 8 9 0 0
Frogs 6 0 1 0 0
Land Snails 54 1 1 1 1
Lepidoptera 18 2 6 1 2
Mosses 2 0 0 0 0
Orthoptera 21 15 15 10 10
Powelliphanta 45 23 27 8 8
Reptiles 59 34 38 10 14
Spiders 4 1 1 0 0
Vascular Plants 204 118 140 45 54
Total 525 248 290 83 99
Table 3: Number of Threatened, At Risk or Conservation Dependent taxa managed in EMUs or SMUs by conservation status.
Conservation status Any management at any site Management to standard at any site Management to approximate standard at any site Management to standard at all required sites Management to approximate standard at all required sites
Nationally Critical 152 64 77 30 34
Nationally Endangered 89 33 41 7 10
Nationally Vulnerable 111 51 60 8 11
Declining 71 37 42 3 4
Recovering 22 17 20 4 5
Relict 19 10 13 2 5
Naturally Uncommon 56 31 32 28 29
Not Threatened 5 5 5 1 1
Total 525 248 290 83 99

Definition and methodology

These tables were produced by relating:

Quantitative measurements demonstrating outcomes for threatened species population viability were not incorporated into this analysis.

Data quality

This measure is classified as supporting information.

The New Zealand Threat Classification System (Townsend et al., 2008) is a qualitative process that uses the judgement of specialists who assess the conservation status of species according to their risk of extinction within New Zealand at 5-yearly intervals. Thus, the quality and availability of scientific information to support the threat listing process varies between species and species groups. Similar limits apply to the advice collated by DOC about species management needs. There is uncertainty as to whether the actions described and funded in each management prescription in June 2017 were delivered to standard.


This measure relates to indicator 1.4.2 - Security of threatened and at risk taxa


This measure complies with the data quality guidelines used in New Zealand’s Environmental Reporting framework.

Outcomes Monitoring Framework

DOC’s Outcomes Monitoring Framework provides a platform on which DOC and others can assess outcomes in a clear, structured and transparent way (Lee et al., 2005). It has been developed as a logical hierarchy that is based on broad, overarching Outcomes, beneath which are nested Outcome Objectives, Indicators, Measures and Data Elements to provide ever increasing levels of detail. The framework is scalable, as the indicators and measures remain compatible and consistent whether applied locally, regionally or nationally. The recently updated framework provides a roadmap for gathering information to meet the specific objectives of DOC and other agencies (McGlone and Dalley, 2015). The provision of a national framework with agreed outcomes, indicators and measures supports collaboration with land management and regulatory agencies, allowing for more integrated environmental policy and ‘State of the Environment’ reporting. DOC has partially implemented a national monitoring and reporting system, whereby priority indicators and measures are routinely used to report on progress against the objectives and outcomes. This factsheet reports on a measure for the 2017/2018 year.

Glossary of terms

DOC Ecosystem Management Units (EMUs) are places that have been identified as being important for management as best examples of the full range of NZs terrestrial, wetland and lake ecosystems. They may be on land/water of any tenure (not only PCL) and often include several connected ecosystems and communities of threatened species.

Long-term species persistence is where there is a 95% probability of a species surviving for the next 50 years or three generations (whichever is longer), given that all human-induced threats likely to occur over the longer-term (e.g. within 300 years) are adequately mitigated. Long-term persistence of populations includes all the components of securing a species from extinction, as well as buffering populations against the impacts of loss of genetic diversity, and longer term environmental events such as climate change. Persistence of species depends on population viability.

Population viability requires that:


Lee, W., McGlone, M., Wright, E., 2005. Biodiversity inventory and monitoring: A review of national and international systems and a proposed framework for future biodiversity monitoring by the Department of Conservation. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0405/122 (unpublished) for the Department of Conservation, Wellington.

McGlone, M., Dalley, J., 2015. A framework for Department of Conservation inventory and monitoring: Intermediate outcomes 1-5. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2427 (unpublished) for the Department of Conservation, Wellington.

Townsend, A., De Lange, P., Duffy, C., Miskelly, C., Molloy, J., Norton, D., 2008. New zealand threat classification system manual. Wellington, Department of Conservation 30.