
View a list of projects that were successful in the DOC Community Fund 2017/18 funding round.

The total amount funded for all regions is $4,221,127 (excluding GST).

Project region Applicant name Project Title Amount funded (excluding GST)  Outline
Northern North Island Tau Iho I Te Po Trust Te Tangi O Te Taio $64,800 This project is a whole community approach to coordinating a 'war on weeds'. The Trust working with whanau and their community will normalise the identification, mapping and eradication of weeds (pest plants) from their rohe, supporting the resilience of taonga species.
Northern North Island Guardians of the Bay of Islands Incorporated Project Island Song War on Weeds $49,500 Project Island Song War on Weeds is the on the ground implementation of the recently developed Ipipiri Islands weed management strategy. Weeds pose an ever increasing threat to the restoration and viability of the Island's ecology.
Northern North Island Mangatete Landcare Group Mangatete Landcare Group $63,000 Mangatete Landcare is a group of private landowners in Eastern Kaitaia undertaking predator control (primarily mustelids and feral cats) on public and private land, where there is a strong kiwi population they are determined to protect.
Northern North Island Waipoua Forest Trust Three year weed knockdown to establish a defensible buffer to protect the Millennium Kauri Forest and benefit the Waipoua Southern Catchment $40,000 This project aims to reduce weeds to near zero density with the goal being total eradication of weeds in the Millennium Kauri Forest, and to eliminate the weeds in the buffer zone creating a protective buffer for the forest. 
Northern North Island Te Rarawa Anga Mua (TRAM) Warawara Titipounamu protection project $106,700 Warawara is home to the only mainland population of titipounamu/rifleman north of Te Aroha/Pureora, struggling to withstand predation pressure from mammals. An intensive & focussed predator control programme is planned to protect & strengthen this regionally significant population.
Northern North Island Russell Landcare Trust (RLT) Russell Kiwi Protection (RKP) $76,000 RKP project is designed to reinstate and sustain comprehensive control of predators and other pests of threatened wildlife and their bush and wetland habitats in the 3400ha Russell Peninsula. Flagship wildlife species targeted include kiwi, weka, pateke, matuku and escapees from Project Island Song.
Auckland Te Matuku Bay Landcare Group Te Matuku Bay Scenic Reserve Weed Eradication Project $20,000 This project aims to continue to effectively manage pest plant infestation and includes a staged weed control programme, targeting primarily Moth plant. 
Auckland Windy Hill Rosalie Bay Catchment Trust GB Predator Free - War on weeds, rats, and feral cats $40,000 The primary objectives of the Windy Hill Sanctuary is to sustain and improve the biodveristy of the south eastern end of Aotea Great Barrier Island with a particular focus on birds and be a working model of a community based long term conservation project for PredatorFree NZ 2050 on Great Barrier Island. 
Auckland Kotuku Peninsula Charitable Trust Kotuku Peninsula Sanctuary- pest control management and education $40,000 This project aims to actively control pests within the predator-fenced Kotuku Peninsula Sanctuary. Pest control operations have been undertaken for over 18 years for target pests (rodents, cats and rabbits). The control of animal pests in the sanctuary has led to significant biodiversity (and community and education) benefits, which will continue with ongoing pest management.   
Auckland Motutapu Restoration Trust Central Gully weed control, Motutapu $50,000 This project aims to control some of the 'dirty dozen' weeds in a difficult 15ha gully system on Motutapu (a pest free island).  
Auckland Motutapu Restoration Trust Manager $70,000 This project will continue the employment of a manager enabling the effective operation, engagement with and expansion of the Trust's volunteer programme; with a view to increased investment in  the restoration of Motutapu Island which is pest-free.
Auckland Motu Kaikoura Trust Motu Kaikoura Sanctuary Eco Management $20,000 This project is a manual 'control to zero relative density' rat eradication operation that employs local residents to significantly reduce rat numbers on the island.  The project also includes goals of eliminating wilding pines and pampas.  
Auckland Motuihe Trust Woolly Nightshade and Mothplant Control $50,000 This project controls Class 1 - 6 Weeds within its concession area and assists DOC with these activities across other areas of the island.  The project involves volunteers, contractors and DOC. 
Auckland Hauraki Islands Forest & Bird Te Matuku Bay Project – Waiheke Island $15,000 The primary purpose of the TMB Project is to bring the four DOC Reserves and the F&B Te Haahi Goodwin Reserve under one co-ordinated pest animal management umbrella. This requires further installation of baitlines, baitstations, DOC 200 traps to the four DOC Reserves.
Auckland Taiohi Whai Oranga,Manurewa Marae Restoring the tohu of the mauri using Matuaranga Maori $5,000 This project is a collaboration between Manurewa, Papatuanuku and Makaurau Marae to restore the tohu of the mauri at each of their marae using Matauranga Maori.
Auckland Protect Piha Heritage Society Inc. Pest-free Piha by 2025 $40,000 To raise environmental awareness and progressively establish 15 community groups (one for every 70 properties) which, assisted by a full-time operations manager and contractors, will rid Piha of predators and weed pests by 2025.
Auckland The Forest Bridge Trust  CatchIT Communities $50,000 To establish trap and bait station networks in key reserves and covenants to control pests.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Coromandel Peninsula Coastal Walkways Society Inc. Rings Beach Wetland Project $30,000 To restore the Matarangi Beach Reserve to a living example of the way a native forest and ecosystem existed before the  influence of mankind altered the balance of nature.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Hahei Reserves Management Group Bring Back the Birds (Hahei) $10,000 This project aims to eradicate invasive pests and weeds within the Cathedral Cove Reserve area and the Hahei environments.  This will be achieved by intensive trapping and plant removal by the volunteer group in Hahei.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Habitat Tuateawa Inc. Pushing the boundaries; Tuateawa restored $10,000 This project has 3 objectives; to enhance our predator control regime to improve ecological outcomes, to generate further community support for Habitat Tuateawa's conservation activities, and to reduce our reliance on toxins through increased trapping effort.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Otama Reserves Committee Otama Beach Predator & Weed Control $10,000 This project helps to protect vital breeding areas for several endangered species , control weeds and eliminate wiliding pines, and eradicate pests.  These efforts take place at Otama Beach, The Dunes, The Wetlands and the Domain.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust Education @Maunga $150,000 The provision of skills and expertise to monitor species translocations, plan new translocations and continue the ecological restoration of Maungatautari.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Little Bay Rate Payers Association Inc  LBRA Pest Control $10,000 The overall project goal is to decrease predator numbers in Little Bay, to protect species such as Kiwi, Banded Rail, Kereru, Tui and many other native birds. This will be achieved by implementing / providing the community with a  safe predator control network, while also  benefiting  Public Conservation Land's trapping network plan.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Society Okahukura Kokako Protection $50,000 To continue predator protection of a key population cluster of kōkako at Okahukura which can link up other subpopulations in the area, benefiting genetic health and population strength of the kōkako while also assisting community groups wishing to translocate them.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Society Re-establishing Kokako on Mt Pirongia $40,000 This project is to re-establish kōkako on Mount Pirongia over a three year time-frame, transferring a total of 40 birds from Pureora, and Tiritiri Matangi Island which includes birds descended from kōkako that were removed from Pirongia in the 1990's. 
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Moehau Environment Group Moehau-Breaking Ground $50,000 This project has its sights on rodent control (300 ha) and possum control (1200 ha) through trapping and baiting. Result monitoring for rats through Small Mammal Indexing, measured at 5% or less until at least December 2018, and Residual Trap Catch for possums at or less than 15% by December 2018.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Te Mata Restoration Group Te Mata Forestry Predator Control $5,000 This project aims to expand the trapping network into Public Conservation Land in partnership with DoC and Thames Coast Kiwi Care.  This will increase the trapping area by 100ha (from 350ha to 450ha).
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Kotuku Heritage Society Incorporated Kūaotunu Peninsula Predator & Plant Pest Control $10,000 This project seeks to establish a trapline between the Matarangi Bluff Scenic Reserve and the Kūaotunu River.  Working with Private landowners and volunteers, the project will install and maintain DOC 200 stoat and rat traps to support the increase of rare native birds in the area, including kiwi and fernbirds.  
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust Rotokare Halo Project $20,000 To protect the Rotokare Sanctuary (Home to kiwi, tieke, popokatea, fernbird, toutouwai, spotless crake, hihi, lizard spp. and many more) from pest-animal incursion and protect the spill-over of indigenous species. To engage community in biodviersity restoration.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Colville Social Service Collective Charitable Trust (CSSC) Te Ūmangawhā Hotspot $20,000 CSSC partners with smaller community groups to  provide administrative support and resources to enable these groups to achieve on-the-ground pest-management(PM) work determined by their objectives. All partner-groups focus on the wider Colville Bay area, meaning a cohesive community PM approach.
Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki TAHAAROA LAKES TRUST CONSERVATION OF TAHAAROA LAKES $50,000 This project is part of a wider conservation plan for the Tahaaroa Lakes that have been impacted by water quality pollution as a consequence of increased land usage. Specifically, this project focuses on Lakes Piopio and Rototapu to include fencing and riparian planting of the lake edge fringe wetlands. 
Central North Island Mokoia Community Assocation Hannahs Bay Looking to the Future $10,560 This is a Predator Pest Programme that is to be piloted initially at the Hannahs Bay reserve area. It is envisaged that extensive rat and pest trapping will enhance the biodiversity of the wetland and reserve area and also assist in supporting the predator free status of Mokoia Island.
Central North Island Ngati Tahu-Ngati Whaoa Runanga Trust Restoration of Te Tihi o Maunga Kakaramea $20,000 This project will aid in the restoration of Te Tihi o Ruru by enhancing and beautifying the area for recreation and cultural recognition on the summit where walking and mountain-biking tracks converge.  The area will include installation of storyboard, panoramic interpretation, artwork, IPOU, seating and planting for visitors to enjoy.
Central North Island Blue Mountain Adventure Centre (BMAC) BMAC Backstream Bush Predator Control $5,565 This project aims to eradicate more invasive pests by setting DOC traps.  The project also educates clients on native birds, namely whio and kiwi, as they tramp through the area.
Central North Island BAY CONSERVATION ALLIANCE Changing the Paradigm $40,000 This project supports a range of natural environment outcomes including improving freshwater quality and ecology, coastal, wetland and forest restoration, improved biodiversity through pest management.  This is delivered through collaborative, community-led conservation.  
Central North Island Kaharoa Kokako Trust Kapukapu Reserve Protection $25,000 This project is to establish bait stations at pre-planned specific sites and to improve the existing line marking with plastic triangles to aid navigation and track clearing where necessary. Earlier birds surveys have indicated that there are kōkako resident in this area.
Central North Island Manawahe Eco Trust Northern protection of the Manawahe Ecological corridor $20,000 This project will coordinate the efforts of local landowners in Manawahe to advance their vision of a Predator Free Ecological Corridor linking the Rotorua lakes to the sea. The funding will sustain the existing pest control and land owner support and also create an extra 20 km of trapping covering nine different properties.
Central North Island Ōhiwa Headland Sanctuary Trust Ōhiwa Headland Sanctuary $25,000 The Ōhiwa Headland Sanctuary Trust aims to eradicate animal predators across this geographically defendable headland in order to restore the natural character of the area and create a sanctuary where native species flourish.
Central North Island Greening Taupō Coordinator role for Predator Free Taupō $45,000 A dedicated Predator Free Taupō coordinator role will support the community in a conservation initiative to work towards Predator Free Taupō .
Central North Island Mokaihaha Kōkako Trust Mokaihaha Kokako Recovery Project $50,000 To increase populations of kōkako and other fauna in Mokaihaha Ecological Area by carrying out ground-based pest control to reduce rat and possum numbers.
Central North Island Te Runanga o Ngati Kea Ngati Tuara Trust Conservation of Horohoro Maunga $20,000 Te Runanga o Ngati Kea Ngati Tuara Trust intend to begin pest control on Horohoro maunga with the goal to restore the native bush.  No pest control programme has been attempted previously so this project will start with a small area of trapping and monitoring.
Central North Island Bushy Park Trust Bushy Park Halo and Weed Project $35,000 This project will extend predator control beyond the project area fencing to further protect native birds which are thriving inside the predator free sanctuary and which are now venturing out into the surrounding landscape. 
Central North Island Te Mano Puha Charitable Trust (Yet to be officially named) Upokorehe Kiwi Project $10,000 This local Iwi group will create a kiwi conservation reserve within the public conservation land known as Waiotahe Scenic Reserve by reducing the pests by way of trapping and monitoring. Engaging with community to actively support the project and educate.
Central North Island Nukuhou Saltmarsh Care group Uretara Island Restoration & Conservation $20,000 This project aims to reduce or eradicate four invasive weed species, intensify predator control in the area by adding more DOC 200 traps to the existing traps and protect and make safe colonial chimney remains.
Central North Island Project Tongariro  Te Matapuna Restoration Project $70,000 This project is focused on continuing ecological restoration involving willow control and restoring alluvial kahikatea, matai, ribbonwood forest adjoining the Waiotaka and Waimarino Rivers.
Central North Island Waioweka Marae Sports, Cultural & Heritage Incorporated on behalf of Opeke Marae Waioweka pest control and restoration project $10,000 The main focus for the project is to firstly reconnect and educate the project owner's whanau,  hapu, iwi and the wider community with their ancestral lands and streams and learn how to look after them properly. The project will grow from there.
Lower North Island Pukaha Mount Bruce National Wildlife Centre Pukaha Mount Bruce Clematis vitalba (Old Mans Beard) Control $5,000 The project goal is to remove Old Mans Beard in the reserve.  A weed specialist has found numerous patches of OMB throughout the northern end of the reserve, made up of large clusters of small vines creeping through patches of blackberry, grass and tight regenerating bush, as well as a number of seedlings. 
Lower North Island Whinray Ecological Charitable Trust Motu Brown Kiwi & Threatened Species Recovery Programme $10,000 The Whinray Ecological Charitable Trust seeks to eradictate stoat, ship rat and possums throughout public conservation land within and surrounding Whinray Scenic Reserve.  This will allow the reserve to maintain populations of kiwi, weka, northern rata, whio, native bats, native frogs, the New Zealand falcon, whitehead, rifleman, NI robin, land snails and original podocarp-hardwood forest to continue to grow within this area.
Lower North Island Castlepoint Ratepayers & Residents Association and Te Hika a Papauma  Restoration at Rangiwhakaoma/Castlepoint Scenic Reserve  $25,000 The main focus of this project is on eradicating marram, wilding pines and woody weeds and expanding on the propagation and planting of spinifex and pingao adjoining the established trial plots.
Lower North Island Kotukutuku Ecological Restoration Project Kotukutuku Ecological Restoration Project $5,000 This undertaking is a land based ecosystem protection project to suppress invasive flora and fauna species to acceptable levels.  After years of stock exclusion and possum control, suppression of remaining invasive species will allow full restoration of this important regional biodiversity site.
Lower North Island Tuanui Family Trust Tuku Farm predator control $52,000 To undertake predator control in the Awatotara Conservation Covenant. Providing increased protection for endemic Chatham Island habitats and threatened endemic bird and plant species.
Lower North Island Whangawehi Catchment Management Group Whangawehi restoration project $30,000 The WCMG is a community initiative that started pest control work in 2014. The community manages 250 traps over 600 ha and is willing to expand the scope of its work within the catchment footprint. The long term vision will be to reintroduce rare birds in the catchment once predator pressure has been reduced.
Lower North Island Kapiti Biodiversity Project Kapiti:  A Mainland Island $30,000 This project will optimise the use of the remote sensing aerial recently installed on Tokomapuna Island; use trail cameras to complement  tracking tunnel monitoring in three conservation areas; intensify trapping for the Lizard Protection Trial, and plan a strategy for urban pest control.
Lower North Island Maraetotara Tree Trust 2018/2019 Maraetotara River Planting $10,000 Remediation of the Maraetotara River, for both water quality and amenity values by the clearing of invasive vegetation, fencing and re-planting with native species of a covenanted riparian strip along the 43 kms length of the river.
Lower North Island Rimutaka Forest Park Trust Inc Join The Dots Stage 3 $50,000 This project builds on the continued intensification of pest control in the Rimutaka Forest Park Catchpool Eco Hot Spot and wider predator control network. Increased monitoring of species, kiwi, diurnal birds and lizards.
Lower North Island Sally Pearce Te One Bush Restoration Project $8,000 This project continues the restoration of bush remnant through control of sycamore seedlings/saplings and other weeds, especially in the disturbed south-western section; pest animal control; growing and planting eco-sourced natives to assist revegetation of the disturbed “Felled Grove.”
Lower North Island Rangitikei Environment Group Upper Rangitikei Old Man's Beard Control Project $20,000 This project aims to take control of Old Man's Beard in the catchment of the Otuareiawa stream, a significant tributary of the Moawhango River, itself a significant tributary of the Rangitikei River. This stream catchment is the closest area of significant Old Man's  Beard infestation to the Ruahine Ranges.  
Lower North Island Gwavas Charitable Trust for the Puahanui Bush Puahanui Bush Weed Control $5,000 This project aims to eradicate English ivy in the Puahanui Bush, which is the largest lowland podocarp remnant left in Hawke's Bay.  
Lower North Island Friends of A'Deane's Bush Shadehouse Co-ordinator $5,000 This community based ecorestoration of A'Deane's Bush aims to get locals involved, to love the bush, and teach skills to look after this bush - including growing plants, and performing predator and weed control.  This is achieved by working closely with Sherwood School community, which is situated less than 1km from A'Deane's Bush and where the shadehouse is located.  The shadehouse grows plants for the revegetation workstream of A'Deane's Bush restoration with input from the kids into all the aspects of growing plants. 
Lower North Island Lisa and Geoff Whittle, Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club North Eastern Ruahine Whio Protection $20,000 The purpose of this application is to boost the effectiveness of the current network of predator-control traps for whio conservation in the North Eastern Ruahine Range. This can be achieved by adding resetting Goodnature A24 traps alongside the existing DOC200 trap network.
Lower North Island Te Aitanga A Hauiti Centre of Excellence Iwi and Community of Uawa Tolaga Bay Weaving a Pest Control Framework $25,000 To understand weed control issues around the nationally important Opoutama Cooks Cove area including Titirangi Station, Pourewa Island and Kaitawa Estuary. To support Iwi and community to begin targeted control of high priority weed species.
Lower North Island Lake Whatuma Wetland Care Group Lake Whatuma Restoration Project $25,000 Lake Whatuma is a regionally ranked biodiversity hotspot which is subject to significant threats from invasive willows, mammalian predators and low water levels in summer.  The project will address these threats.
Lower North Island Ruahine Whio Protection Trust Towards a Predator Free Ruahine $30,000 Volunteer led predator control to protect whio and kiwi in the Ruahine Range that began in 2005, and has spread to 7 catchments with numerous community groups involved.  There are over 2000 volunteers managing predator traps within the Ruahine Forest Park, on Iwi land, and on private farmland.  
Lower North Island Cape Sanctuary Restoration Project/ Te Matau a Maui- Hawkes Bay Te Matau a Maui- Cape Sanctuary Ecosystem & Species Arc Project 2017-2027 $45,000 Te Matau a Maui, Cape Sanctuary acts as an 'Arc' for 33 nationally threatened species. The project works directly alongside Iwi, Kiwis for Kiwi national objectives, the Cape to City Project and Department of Conservation to boost species recovery.
Northern South Island Forest and Bird Nelson Branch Dun Mountain Restoration Project $60,000 The project aims to assist Nelson City Council to control wilding conifers in the Dun Mountain area. The project is the initial step in restoring and preserving the ecological, cultural, scenic and recreational values of this unique area.
Northern South Island Project De-Vine Trust Project De-Vine Stage 4 – Ligar Bay to Wainui – knockdown of pest vines over 3 years $80,000 This project aims to control Old Man’s Beard and Banana Passion Vine, and assessing Climbing Asparagus and will assist approximately 23 of 173 properties in Tata & Ligar Bay.  
Northern South Island South Marlborough Landscape Restoration Trust Operational Plans,Waihopai/WyeReserve/Ferny Gair,Wairau Hills $20,000 To prepare operational plans for the control of wilding conifers in the Wye Reserve and Ferny Gair/Black Birch management sectors in South Marlborough. Successful control to restore the landscape will require a collaborative effort between all landowners (freehold and leasehold) and administrators (public conservation land).
Northern South Island Fairfax Media/Victoria Guild Wasp Wipeout $40,000 This projects aims to encourage the community to help rid the Nelson region of invasive German and common wasps to protect people in popular recreational areas and improve the biodiversity of our forests.
Northern South Island Picton Dawn Chorus Stage 3 - The Wedge $60,000 Picton Dawn Chorus aims to make over 2000ha of land in and around Picton predator free. The first target species are rats, mustelids and possums. This will create a halo around the Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary and improve the survival of native wildlife both inside and outside the Sanctuary.
Northern South Island Tasman Environmental Trust Neimann Creek $40,000 The aim of this project is to restore the water quality and habitat of Neimann Creek to facilitate the return of wildlife incuding giant kokopu, other aquatic, bird and native plant species. This project supports the health of Waimea Estuary.  
Northern South Island Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society Inc. Bat Recovery Project, Top of the South Island/Te Tau Ihu $60,000 The project goals include the identification of key roosting sites and population dynamics of long-tailed bats in the Pelorus/Rai catchments. This information will be used to expand and hone existing local predator control efforts to ensure protection and enhancement of the bat population.
Northern South Island Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust Maintaining the Sanctuary site free of pest mammals $40,000 Establishing a robust biosecurity system for the Brook Sanctuary is an essential next milestone in the development of the site as a secure location for the reintroduction and restoration of rare native wildlife species for conservation and advocacy purposes.
Western South Island Glacier Valley Eco Tours Ltd Project Early Bird $9,000 This project aims to manage rat/stoat numbers around Lake Matheson and increase bird, invertebrate & lizard life.  
Western South Island Buller DOC Volunteers Tauranga Bay Headland Project $34,584 To revegetate the Tauranga Bay Headland to its pre grazing and quarrying state by planting 1000 natives removing noxious weeds and the ability to declare the headland predator free by installing 40 traps and monitoring and recording kill data. 
Western South Island Predator Free Punakaiki Predator Free Punakaiki $15,778 To trap and kill predator species, and monitor their numbers annually, on the Dolomite Point headland [Pancake Rocks Walk] and behind the businesses sited opposite the Pancake Rocks. The project goals include plans to educate tourists about protection of threatened native species.
Western South Island Lake Brunner Community Catchment Care Group (LBCCCG)  Mitchells to Poerua Predator Control Programme $55,807 The project is to establish an easily accessible  trap line between Mitchells and Poerua (600 hectares approx.) to achieve reduced predator density levels and an improved environment to provide safer breeding areas for threatened native birds such as kiwi, kaka and kea.
Western South Island West Coast Branch of the Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Rainy Creek Ecological Restoration programme $35,362 To continue to improve the biodiversty and ecoystem health of the Rainy Creek catchment and surrounds, by undertaking predator control, including wasp control. This will protect the birds and allow the forest to flourish.
Western South Island Motukiekie Wilderness Trust Motukiekie Shakedown $46,000 The Motukiekie Shakedown is a predator control project, targeting rats, stoats, possums and feral cats. Originally what started as a small backyard project protecting 12ha has now been expanded to protect 780ha.
Western South Island Guardians of Paroa Taramakau Coastal Area Trust Onslaught $10,000  This project aims to specifically extend the number of species eradicated including five of the "dirty dozen" and to sustain and extend the eradication of predators in the penguin breeding area.
Western South Island Mokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust Mokihinui Biodiversity Enhancement Project $71,935 The Mokihinui-Lyell Biodiversity Enhancement Project seeks to leverage the high visitation to the area (10,000 p.a.) and the presence of volunteers to achieve protection and enhancement of the local biodiversity and to elevate the public's consciousness and engagement in community-led predator control efforts
Western South Island Conservation Volunteers New Zealand Punakaiki Coastal Restoration $36,300 The project will continue to build on the significant outcomes achieved to date on site-enhancing and extending the restoration of sandplain forest on the Barrytown flats adjacent to the Westland Petrel breeding site, as well as supporting the continuation and growth of the on-site nursery.
Western South Island Lions Club of Hokitika Charitable Trust Stafford Historic Cemetery Restoration $8,000 The historic Stafford Cemetery has suffered the ravages of time, climate and vegetation overgrowth. The purpose of the project is to remove invasive species, protect desirable species and tell the story of the pioneers and families that colonised the area. 
Western South Island Kotuku Heritage Society Incorporated Restoration of Jack's Mill School building $20,000 To restore the historic miniature bungalow at Jacks Mill School, Kotuku Historic Reserve.
Western South Island Westland Petrel Conservation Trust Westland Petrel Predator Control Project $9,901 This project aims to take control of introduced predators on land adjacent to, and within, the Westland Petrel Special Area, Paparoa National Park. 
Western South Island West Coast Penguin Trust West Coast Penguin Trust - thriving seabirds and a thriving coast $47,335 The project goal is to conserve threatened seabirds along the South Island's West Coast. 
Eastern South Island Mt. Lyford Association Inc Wilding conifer control/eradication, Mt. Lyford $15,000 This project aims to eradicate or control wilding trees that are severely affecting the biodiversity of this unique area.  
Eastern South Island Mt Somers Walkways Society Blackburn Coal Mine Gorse & Broom Control $12,000 To remove gorse & broom from the Blackburn mine area of the Mt Somers Track. 
Eastern South Island Dunedin Amenities Society Dunedin Town Belt Collaborative Community Education Initiative $15,000 Based on DOCs community collaborative education model, Taupo (Kids Greening Taupo) and Te Anau (Kids Restore the Kepler) this project sets out to replicate these earlier initiatives in the Dunedin Town Belt involving up to 30 schools.
Eastern South Island Orokonui Ecosanctuary Orokonui Weed and Predator Control Project $40,000 The weed control programme within and beyond the Ecosanctuary's predator exclusion fence is integral to ecosystem restoration, provision of safe habitat for threatened species, conservation education and visitor experience of the project area. 
Eastern South Island Sean Ellis Sian's Bush Block $3,500 Over the last three years the project owners have been working towards eradicating pests of all kinds in a native bush block and bring back native plant and bird life.  They also teach local youth how to trap pests and identifiy native birds and plants. They also have a long term goal of handing over the project to the community.   
Eastern South Island Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust Wildside $105,000 The Wildside is a nationally recognised predator control programme operating for more than 30 years over 13,500ha. The Wildside was one of the first farmer and community driven projects in New Zealand that has expanded into a multi-party effective collaboration.  
Eastern South Island Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua Community War on weeds - Quarantine Island/Kamau taurua $12,000 War on Weeds', eradication of eco-transforming invasive plants from this public reserve and rehabilitation of native forest remnants. Specific target species: Darwins Barberry, English Ivy and Boxthorn. The day to day management of this project, co-ordination of volunteers, maintenance of tools and health and safety management is undertaken by the keeper. Funding will cover the work undertaken by the keeper as this underpins the success and safety of the project.
Eastern South Island Landscape Connections Trust (LCT) Angel cats and urban predators in the Halo $65,000 To enhance the protective halo around Orokonui Ecosanctuary for native species by implementing an urban trapping programme in the Port Chalmers township. Community engagement as a central focus will ensure long-term, successful predator control and significant benefits to native biodiversity.
Eastern South Island Quail Island Ecological Restoration Trust Fenn trap replacement $7,500 This project aims to replace inhumane Feen traps with DOC200 traps and purchasing Goodnature A25 traps.  This is to maintain the pest free status of Quail island and aligns with the goals of Predator Free 2050. 
Eastern South Island Ngai Tahu Maori Rock Art Charitable Trust Ecological Restoration at Opihi Rock Art Sites  $20,000 Ecological restoration and pest plant control at a stream and wetlands surrounded by 14 nationally significant Maori rock art sites. The land is under QEII Covenant, contains 2 SNAs, and has recently been registered as a Wahi Tupuna Area with Heritage NZ.
Eastern South Island Alison Evans Little River Trap Library and Okuti Pest Network $5,000 The trap library provides Banks Peninsula landowners with an opportunity to loan traps free of charge and learn about pest control. It is a community initiative with strong partnerships that is expanding the scope to control predators on private land.
Eastern South Island Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust Pest Free Peninsula $100,000 Increasing the volunteer base and control effort is critical to the expansion and progression of OPBG's possum control programme to sustainable multi-species pest control. Funding will support a volunteer coordinator role to recruit, engage, manage, and support sustained community volunteer involvement
Southern South Island Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust Braided Rivers Project $50,000 Project goals include the installation of traplines along the braided river sections of the Dart and Rees rivers to improve the breeding outcomes for black fronted terns (endangered), wrybills (vulnerable), banded dotterels (critical) and black billed gulls (critical). 
Southern South Island Hollyford Conservation Trust Hollyford Conservation Project 2018/19 monitoring and predator control operations (1 May 2018 to 31 July 2019) $55,000 To monitor and control rats, stoats and possums to target levels in order to provide for ecological restoration within a 2600 ha project area in the Lower Hollyford Valley at Martins Bay, Fiordland.
Southern South Island South Catlins Charitable Trust Curio Bay Tumu Toku Ecological Restoration & Habitat Expansion Plan $25,000 The South Catlins Charitable Trust, in collaboration with key partners, is working to restore the natural ecology of the Curio Bay Recreation Reserve. This will be achieved with plans related to revegetation and pest control.
Southern South Island Manapouri Community Development Area Subcommittee Manapouri Foreshore - Darwin's barberry $15,000 This project aims to take control of mature Darwin's barberry on DOC land in the Manapouri area to prevent invasion into Fiordland National Park and to help protect the investment made by the Manapouri community since 2010 controlling this weed.
Southern South Island Wakatipu Reforestation Trust (WRT) Slope Hill Wetland Restoration Project - Lake Hayes $50,000 The project targets the restoration of a stretch of the Slope Hill stream running adjacent to a popular cycle/walkway  trail . The project will remove infested crack willows, fence the stream, plant appropriate native species and lay trap lines for predators.
Southern South Island Mamaku Point Conservation Trust Mamaku Point Conservation Reserve $25,000 The Trust needs to complete some much needed upgrades to the Reserve’s predator proof fence, including replacing rusting wires, and to purchase possum and cat traps (these have previously been brought in from off the Island as required) and modern resetting rat traps.
Southern South Island Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society - Dunedin Branch Tautuku Restoration $60,000 Involving the community in landscape scale multi species introduced predator control to enable native species dominance (enhancing extant native species and enabling future reintroductions of locally extinct species) within the largest remaining area of the south eastern lowland forest habitat.
Southern South Island Janet de Wagt The Fossil Family goes to Dusky Sound $10,000 To publish a photographic story telling book documenting the adventures of the Fossil Family (a whanau of miniature figurines) in Dusky Sound. The purpose is to document in an exciting and different way the work of the Department of Conservation.
Southern South Island Fiordland Trails Trust FTT Predator & Weed control programme $30,000 To control the spread of invasive weed species alongside the newly developed Te Anau to Manapouri multi-use “Lake2Lake” trail. This work will encourage the growth of native flora, enhance the experience for trail users and promote support for conservation amongst the local community.
Southern South Island Stewart Island/Rakiura Community and Environment Trust Halfmoon Bay War on Weeds $80,000 To control Darwins Barberry around the township of Oan and to educate landowners on the threats posed by weeds. The work will be done by contacting every landowner within the control area, grid searching and removing all barberry
National Project Crimson Trust Trees That Count $300,000 A conservation campaign to create a movement inspiring New Zealanders to restore and enhance the environment, clean our air and waterways, encourage indigenous biodiversity and make a tangible difference to climate change by planting millions of native trees. 
National Fairground Foundation (Bucket Project) Bucket Project $50,000 The project will create a new digital tool to enhance and facilitate fundraising for conservation groups. Bucket is a world first, interactive online crowdfunding platform, that takes the concept of a Giving Circle and brings it to life in a simple, digital environment. The purpose is to help and promote donors and doers in the conservationist sphere to come together in an online community.
National Environmental Defence Society Legislative and Policy Arrangements to Support Spatial Marine Frameworks $50,000 To investigate the legislative, policy and administrative arrangements that would be required to roll out spatial marine frameworks to other parts of New Zealand. It follows on from a prior project focused on reviewing and distilling the practical experiences from the Seachange Tai Timu Tai Pari project.
National Kea Conservation Trust Community - Kea Conservation initiatives: growing partnerships and future proofing for our unique mountain parrot. $102,000 This project aims to develop kea conservation working groups/partnerships’ across the kea's range; to drive and support local initiatives on a broader scale so they are self-sustaining.
National New Zealand National Parks and Conservation Foundation (NZNP&C) NZNP&C Foundation Seed Support $48,000 Facilitating opportunities for individuals & businesses to contribute to conserving New Zealands Natural Heritage – its landscapes and the native plants and animals that live among them.
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