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Public notification process for activity applications


When and why some activities need to be publicly notified.

Public notification of an application is an opportunity for any person or organisation to make a submissions about a proposed activity.

Activities that are publicly notified

Under section 17SC(1) of the Conservation Act 1987 the Minister must publicly notify their intention to grant:

  • any lease regardless of the term applied for
  • any licence with a term of more than 10 years.

Section 17SC(2) and (3) states the Minister may publicly notify any other application for a licence, permit or an easement, if after having regard to the effects, the Minister considers it appropriate to do so.

How public notification is carried out

Public notification is carried out in accordance with Section 49 of the Conservation Act 1987.

It involves:

  1. Advertising the application in at least one regional or local newspaper if the permission is only of regional or local interest. If the permission is of national interest, to the application may be advertise in each of four daily newspapers published in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.
  2. The application will also be advertised on DOC’s website.
  3. Public notification runs for a minimum of 20 working days. During this time, anyone may make a written submission on an application.
  4. DOC will review any written submissions. If the submitter requests a public hearing, DOC can grant the request. Submitters will be allowed to speak to their submissions before a DOC panel.
  5. DOC will consider any written and oral submissions. A submissions report will be prepared. This report will assess these submissions and whether they have grounds to be accepted and considered in wider the application process.