
You can bring support to your interview in the form of whānau (including kaumātua), or other people you feel secure with and who know you well.

Who can use a whānau interview?

Anyone applying for employment with DOC can use a whānau interview. Whānau support is most useful when an applicant's personal or cultural values might limit the information provided at a formal interview.

Benefits for the whānau

You have the best possible opportunity to display your competence, skills and experience with support from your whānau. You and your whānau can be assured that you’ve been treated in an inclusive and safe manner, respectful of your cultural values.

Benefits for DOC

  • We can better assess you for the role, because your whānau can provide a more in-depth picture of your relevant competence, skills and experience.
  • If we employ you, you’ll bring an established support system, which means you’re better equipped to deal with a wide range of situations.

The process

When we notify you of the interview, let the panel chairperson know that you’d like to bring whānau or support people.

Discuss the welcoming process, the format of the interview, the role of whānau or support people, how many people are likely to come and if the whānau want to conduct their part of the process in te reo Māori or your nominated language. This will allow the panel chairperson to prepare for the interview appropriately.

Applicants and whānau or support people may speak in either English or Māori or your nominated language with translation.

Steps of the whānau support interview

  1. The applicant and whānau are welcomed with a mihi and/or karakia as agreed and will have the opportunity to respond.
  2. The whānau or support people will be invited to speak about the applicant outlining the person's qualities and suitability for the position. This will happen either at the beginning or the end of the interview.
  3. The panel will interview the applicant using the same questions as for the other applicants. At the end the applicant and whānau or support people will have an opportunity to ask questions and add further comments about the suitability of the applicant for the position.
  4. The chairperson of the panel will indicate when the interview is complete. The whānau or support people will be thanked for attending and will have the opportunity to respond.
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