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Conservation Board Manual


The Conservation Board Manual provides guidance for Conservation Boards in carrying out their duties and functions.

Section 1. Introduction

Background, context and scope of the Conservation Board Manual.

Section 2. Introduction to the conservation system

About the conservation system, and roles of the Minister of Conservation, Department of Conservation, the New Zealand Conservation Authority, Conservation Boards and other statutory/advisory bodies.

Section 3. Conservation Boards: key relationships

The key relationships that Conservation Boards have with others.

Section 4. Conservation management framework: how conservation work is planned

General information about how conservation work is planned and carried out, using statutory tools under the Conservation Act and other applicable legislation.

Section 5. Conservation Board statutory functions and powers

Conservation Boards have a range of statutory functions, powers and duties under the Conservation Act, a range of other conservation legislation and, depending where the Board is located, Treaty settlement legislation may apply.

Section 6. Accountability framework

Information about the framework that guides Conservation Board planning and reporting. The three key components of the accountability framework are planning, monitoring and reporting.

Section 7. Roles and responsibilities of the Board

Roles and responsibilities of the Board, including Board members' collective attributes and responsibilities, the role of Board Chair and Board committees.

Section 8. Board meeting formalities and procedures

Board meeting formalities, procedures and duties under the Conservation Act 1987 and the Local Government and Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) .

Section 9. Interests and conflicts of interest

Guidance for Boards on identifying, declaring and managing conflicts of interest.

Section 10. Confidentiality

Guidance for Boards on dealing with confidential information, in accordance with Local Government Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) and the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).

Section 11. Other board and administrative matters

Other Board matters, including field trips, member meeting fees and expense claims, expenditure policies and use of MS Teams for Board communication.

Section 12. Board member appointment, co-option and exit processes

Board appointments under the Conservation Act and Treaty settlement legislation. How the Conservation Act provides for the removal and replacement of members. Guidance for Boards on co-opting members and electing the Board Chair.

Section 13. Board self evaluations

Board self evaluations are not a statutory requirement but can help a Board to assess its performance, effectiveness and fitness for future challenges.

Section 14. General

Other topics and guidance of use and relevance to Conservation Boards.