Publications in this series are reviewed to ensure they present standards of current best practice in the subject area.
ISSN: 1172–6873
38. Protocols for the inventory and monitoring of populations of the endangered Australasian bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) in New Zealand. C. O’Donnell and E. Williams 2015. DOC Technical Series 38. 40 p. (PDF, 4,143K)
37. Monitoring penguins in the Antipodes Island Group: methods and baseline data.
J. Hiscock 2013. DOC Technical Series 37. 29 p. (PDF, 3279K)
High-resolution version (PDF, 9555K)
36. Recording tangata whenua oral histories and traditions: techniques and lessons from the Ruapekapeka Pa Oral History Project
P. Clayworth 2010. DOC Technical Series 36. 40 p. (PDF, 259K)
35. Chatham Island oystercatcher (Haematopus chathamensis) management techniques: guidelines for protecting nests and increasing their productivity.
P.J. Moore 2009. DOC Technical Series 35. 50 p.
Entire: (PDF, 1,258K)
Part 1: (PDF, 485K)
Part 2: (PDF, 347K)
Part 3: (PDF, 425K)
Part 4: (PDF, 425K)
34. From seed to success: a guide to evaluating Conservation with Communities Projects. A.L. Johnson; M. Wouters 2008. Department of Conservation Technical Series 34. 79 p.
Download publication: (PDF, 726K)
Download publication in parts (smaller files sizes):
Part 1: (PDF, 482K)
Part 2: (PDF, 371K)
33. Visitor counters in parks: management practice for counter calibration. J. Ross 2005. Department of Conservation Technical Series 33. 34 p. (PDF, 181K)
32. Designing science graphs for data analysis and presentation: the bad, the good and the better. D. Kelly; J. Jasperse; I. Westbrooke 2005. Department of Conservation Technical Series 32. 68 p. (PDF, 1,339K)
Part 1: (PDF, 455K)
Part 2: (PDF, 371K)
Part 3: (PDF, 432K)
Part 4: (PDF, 452K)
31. A practical guide to the management and analysis of survivorship data from radio-tracking studies. H.A. Robertson; I.M. Westbrooke 2005. Department of Conservation Technical Series 31. 47 p. (PDF, 945K)
Part 1: (PDF, 347K)
Part 2: (PDF, 450K)
Part 3: (PDF, 341K)
30. Tracking wildlife radio-tag signals by light fixed-wing aircraft. P.J. Seddon; R.F. Maloney 2004. Department of Conservation Technical Series 30. 23 p. (PDF, 132K)
29. Assessing the social effects of conservation on neighbouring communities. C. Cosslett; D. Buchan; J. Smith 2004. Department of Conservation Technical Series 29. 68 p. (PDF, 338K)
28. Mark-recapture analysis for monitoring threatened species: introduction and case study. M. Lettink; D.P. Armstrong 2003. Department of Conservation Technical Series 28. 63 p.
Preliminary pages: (PDF, 71K)
Part 1: (PDF, 216K)
Part 2: (PDF, 391K)
27. Methods for monitoring the condition of historic places. T. Walton 2003. Department of Conservation Technical Series 27. 41 p. (PDF, 235K)
26. Cave invertebrate collecting guide. M. Hunt; I. Millar 2001. Department of Conservation Technical Series 26. 29 p. (PDF, 283K)
25. A performance monitoring framework for conservation advocacy. B. James 2001. Department of Conservation Technical Series 25. 24 p. (PDF, 216K)
24. Monitoring the impacts of vertebrate pest control operations on non-target wildlife species. E.B. Spurr; R.G. Powlesland 2000. Department of Conservation Technical Series 24. 52 p. (PDF, 189K)
23. Vertebrate pesticide toxicology manual (poisons) (2nd ed.). C.T. Eason; M. Wickstrom 2001. Department of Conservation Technical Series 23. 122 p. (Out of print).
Preliminary pages: (PDF, 440K)
Introduction and Acute poisons: (PDF, 264K)
Anticoagulant poisons: (PDF, 232K)
Toxins no longer used by the Department of Conservation: (PDF, 196K)
References and Appendices: (PDF, 265K)
22. Current practices in sequential use of possum baits. R.J. Henderson; C.E. O'Connor; D.R. Morgan 1999. Department of Conservation Technical Series 22. 67 p. (PDF, 510K)
21. Community involvement in conservation management issues. A New Zealand action research project. G. Fitzgerald 1999. Department of Conservation Technical Series 21. 59 p. (PDF, 429K)
20. Moriori tree carvings, Chatham Islands. Close-range photogrammetric record and survey. F.W. Jopson; C.R. McKibbin. 2000. Department of Conservation Technical Series 20. 37 p. (PDF, 476K)
19. Methodology for evaluating DOC's public awareness activities. C. Blackford 1999. Department of Conservation Technical Series 19. 36 p. (PDF, 289K)
18. Measuring the effects of aircraft overflights on recreationists in natural settings. K.L. Booth; N.C. Jones; P.J. Devlin 1999. Department of Conservation Technical Series 18. 46 p. (PDF, 283K)
17. Photographs of Campbell Island mollymawk colonies: a guide to photopoints, historical comparisons and counting mollymawks. P.J. Moore; R. Blezard 1999. Department of Conservation Technical Series 17. 106 p. (PDF, 569K)
16. Counting mollymawks on Campbell Island: a guide to techniques and field procedures. P.J. Moore 1999. Department of Conservation Technical Series 16. 89 p. (Out of print) (PDF, 545K)
Appendix: (PDF, 622K)
15. Monitoring and management of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae). C. Mander; R. Hay; R. Powlesland 1998. 45 p. Department of Conservation Technical Series 15. (Out of print.) (PDF, 510K)
14. Monitoring forest canopy condition by remote sensing. C.M. Trotter; L.J. Brown 1999. Department of Conservation Technical Series 14. 44 p.
Part 1: (PDF, 480K)
Part 2: (PDF, 481K)
Part 3: (PDF, 512K)
13. Protocols for monitoring New Zealand robins (Petroica australis). R.G. Powlesland 1997. Department of Conservation Technical Series 13. 14 p. (PDF, 123K)
12. Building relationships with participants in Department of Conservation programmes: Effective management of Experiential groups in the outdoors. M. Ringer; M. O'Brien 1997. Department of Conservation Technical Series 12. 28 p. (PDF, 183K)
11. New Zealand ecoregions: A classification for use in stream conservation and management. J.S. Harding; M.J. Winterbourn 1997. Department of Conservation Technical Series 11. 26 p.
Part 1: (PDF, 263K)
Part 2: (PDF, 401K)
Part 3: (PDF, 406K)
Part 4: (PDF, 412K)
10. Public access to the New Zealand coast: Guidelines for determining legal and physical constraints. S. Bell; J.G. Gibb 1996. Department of Conservation Technical Series 10. 34 p. (Out of print)
Part 1: (PDF, 316K)
Part 2: (PDF, 381K)
Part 3: (PDF, 513K)
Part 4: (PDF, 311K)
9. Evaluating displays and on-site panels: A guide for Department of Conservation staff. R. Meylan 1996. Department of Conservation Technical Series 9. 18 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 159K)
8. Weeds in New Zealand protected natural areas database. S.M. Timmins; I.W. Mackenzie (Comp.) 1995. Department of Conservation Technical Series 8. (Out of print.) (PDF, 810K)
7. Guidelines to the development and monitoring of ecological restoration programmes. I.A.E. Atkinson 1994. Department of Conservation Technical Series 7. 39 p. (Out of print.)
Part 1: (PDF, 392K)
Part 2: (PDF, 216K)
6. Data standards for the Department of Conservation. Information Services Unit, Science and Research Division, Department of Conservation 1994. Department of Conservation Technical Series 6. 28 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 287K)
5. An automatic monitoring system for recording bat activity. C. O'Donnell; J. Sedgeley 1994. Department of Conservation Technical Series 5. 16 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 347K)
4. Monitoring and control of mustelids on Conservation lands. Part 2: Field and workshop guide. C.M. King; C.F.G O'Donnell; S.M. Phillipson 1994. Department of Conservation Technical Series 4. 36 p. (Out of print.)
Part 1: (PDF, 475K)
Part 2: (PDF, 450K)
Part 3: (PDF, 395K)
Part 4: (PDF, 393K)
Part 5: (PDF, 295K)
3. Monitoring and control of mustelids on Conservation lands. Part 1: Planning and assessing an operation. C.M. King 1994. Department of Conservation Technical Series 3. 42 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 412K)
2. Census and population estimation of Hooker's sea lion at the Auckland Islands, December 1992-February 1993. M. Cawthorn 1993. Department of Conservation Technical Series 2. 34 p. (Out of print.)
Part 1: (PDF, 289K)
Part 2: (PDF, 718K)
Part 3: (PDF, 347K)
Part 4: (PDF, 766K)
Part 5: (PDF, 504K)
Part 6: (PDF, 447K)
Part 7: (PDF, 416K)
Part 8: (PDF, 629K)
Part 9: (PDF, 629K)
Part 10: (PDF, 566K)
1. Preparing instruction guides for publication in the Department of Conservation Technical Series. I.W. Mackenzie 1993. Department of Conservation Technical Series 1. 26 p. (Out of print.) (PDF, 325K)