
Find out about and view the Chatham Islands Conservation Management Strategy 1999.

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Chatham Islands Conservation Management Strategy (PDF, 2,440K)


The Chatham Islands Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) which was prepared in accordance with Part IIIA of the Conservation Act 1987, recognises the special significance of the Chatham Islands and the need for DOC to work closely with the island community in achieving conservation results.

The Chatham Islands CMS is a statutory document which implements general policies and establishes objectives for the integrated management of natural (including land and species) and historic resources on the Chatham Islands. It sets out the management directions for DOC in the Chatham Islands.

Related statutory plans

The following statutory plan also applies to land on the Chatham Islands and needs to be read alongside the CMS when considering activities within JM Barker (Hapupu) National Historic Reserve:

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