The purpose of a conservation management strategy (CMS) is to implement general policies and establish objectives for the integrated management of all conservation resources and activities in a region.
A CMS focuses on outcomes for places that are special to iwi, hapū and whanau and communities. It identifies how these places will be managed over the next 10 years or more.
A CMS is required by the Conservation Act 1987, and it gives effect to the Conservation General Policy.
A CMS sets the regional framework and national policy approaches. It applies across all public conservation lands and waters within a region including national parks.
A national park management plan and a conservation management plan cannot be inconsistent with a CMS. As management plans contain more detailed direction, they are generally the primary documents for decision making in an area.
A CMS is developed and reviewed in partnership with iwi, hapū and whanau and through consultation with the public.
The development and review of a CMS usually involves five phases. Some Treaty Settlements contain bespoke arrangements that modify these phases.
The development or review of a CMS provides you an opportunity to have your say on places and species that are special to you.
The five phases of CMS development and review provide a number of points where you and your community can be involved. You can take part before the statutory process begins, or in a more formal way by making a submission or attending a hearing.